Friday, August 14, 2009

Game time

What makes you able to buy a stock from someone and sell it back to someone else at a higher price? How is this even possible? What makes you different?

Questions I ask myself everyday.

Now that I've seen and held stocks that have swung -80% or -90% and recovered 200%-500% I have a wonderful view of the cyclical nature of stocks. I also see that the common investor's view of risk is wrong. The number you call the standard deviation of an investment is not the risk of that investment. It is the closest thing that they could wrap their head around.

Never buy at new lows. I want to widely promote this rule because it encourages even cheaper prices for me, the buyer. My aim is to throw the traditional rules out the window and create my own, slowly but surely. In fact, I'm not convinced I need rules to be a sucessful investor. At least not ones that can never be crossed.

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