Monday, July 26, 2010


Without the bitter, please.

I tell you when I'm getting my head taken off via losing money I previously couldn't afford to, so now let me introduce you to my winning side.

Go ahead and pull up SMT.TO's chart for the day. Blam, +75%, thankyouverymuch. I have 25% of my portfolio in that stock currently.

It's about goddam time.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Let's do the damn thang

7 down days followed by a neutral day and now this face-melter of a rally? You don't have to be a quant to say that there's a greater than 50% chance we're going up tomorrow.

That being said the flip side of the unfair coin is probably a red day looking equal and opposite to today. I remain long and strong.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Long and Strong

I'm holding longs through this downturn for better or worse now. I have no fear of my portfolio going straight to 0, I welcome it because I will find ways to bank it all back if that is the case. Crisis = Danger + Opportunity.