Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Where do we go from here?

This Dow 12200 and NASDAQ 2700 is becoming old hat. It feels like we were over at a friends place for dinner, had some wine, played some cards or talked about old times. Now it's getting late and we're just talking for the sake of talking and nobody wants to be the first to get up and leave because maybe the night will get interesting again.

That is what this market is like. Nobody wants to drastically change their long/cash (if you're short, god be with you) positions for fear of missing out / overcommiting.
One side is stronger than the other; were headed higher, this party is gonna be an all nighter. It's just a matter of time.

You don't need fundamentals if you have psychology, and you don't need psychology if you're crazy.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Chit Chat

A convo I had with a friend today:

if only bank of america could stop bankrupting america

financials have to be your worst sector

i actually am about even
up marginally perhaps


yes, from the very start
jan 08
i made 2 5000$ transfers
into us funds
and paid a horrendous 30$ a trade cause i was a noob
it has been solely long US financial equities since then
and i am at 2.80*3000 + 1200
which is what.. 9600
im down 400
probably mostly transaction fees
thats the kind of stock wizardry i am wielding over here