Monday, January 31, 2011

Doesn't Hurt

A little luck never hurt anyone. Intel comes out and announces an erroneous chip the week after I get long AMD. Can't complain about that. The nominal amounts are fairly immaterial for Intel but the momentum it gives up to AMD's side of the court is what really counts. AMD was already looking for an excuse to pop, now it just needs to have the support to stay popped and then explode via actually making a sizable profit.

Personally, I'm thinking of taking some cash outta the market and buying some good ol' fashion real estate.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Not a loser

You don't have to be first to be a winner. That was the thesis of my purchase of $10 Jan2012 calls on AMD yesterday. They just need to keep their market share and their price should rise with the market. Upside is, if their GPUs do what they intend to, they could gain market share and open up growth opportunities. Equity investors love growth opportunities. Stock price doubles and I slam home a 10-bagger. There has to be a 10% chance the price double from current levels for me to be happy here, and at the moment I'm a happy camper.

disclosure: The future is bright until you have lost all your capital. These posts are for my future credibility as an asset manager. I wouldn't follow a noob and neither should you.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

It's not a tumor

I should get involved with stock twits or twitter due to posts like these.

NYSE:NRG looks good. I've been with it through the downturn and was thinking about adding to it. Finally buyers are around, could go to 24-26 in next 2 months.

disclosure: I own it, don't take my advice.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Cut em loose

I'm done with this BAC drama, it's like a bad relationship for me, I just can't let go. I was sitting pretty now my profits are down but still above 25% on the position. I won't let them get below that. I won't.

In hindsight the smart idea instead of writing a dumbass post about BAC DEFENSE I should have had the inclination to buy short term just out of the money put options when the earnings came in as horrendous as they did. Now we all must pay for my investment sins because had I done that the stock would have stayed put.

I am not letting this position become a loser. Like a 6th grader in the war against drugs and strangers, I will just say no.

Friday, January 21, 2011


I am truly sorry to keep ranting about Bank of America but the movements in the price of their equity vs. the market at large and their financial results are, I find, quite interesting.

Take their release this morning of Q4 '10 results. 2 Bils of goodwill impairment. 16 cent loss for the quarter. I saw this and naively thought it was time to sell, time to pack up and head for the hills. How foolish of me. I took one look at the premarket action and knew what was going to unfold. BAC losing money for all eternity is somehow already priced in.

BAC will lag, but hopefully not terribly so. I plan on getting out when they show another overextension like last week.

Friday, January 14, 2011

BAC ATTACK Continued

I seldom celebrate victory. That being said it is important to cherish victory occasionally. With my Bank of America (BAC) calls up almost 100% now, I write this BAC ATTACK as a toast to the American financial system. May you remain, Too Big To Fail. Cheers.

BAC Bacon

BAC to reality

BAC to basics

BAC to business

Here's a link to reasoning behind the gutsy investment decision. It's a good read.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


I can't not blog about this. The EUR is lighting up the USD like a mf'in christmas tree. I was short the EUR and got out for a 35 pip loss at 1.3030. I figured it was good risk management as even though the EUR was fully expected to continue downward, it was worth negating the risk of getting squeezed. Then it began. The 300-pip--slap-the-tits-off-yo-gramma rally. I mourn for those we lost. If I was smart I would have got long with a tight stop.

There will be a retracement but when/for how long/and is it worth it? Those are the questions to answer. I'm not getting back in until this beast shows signs of reason instead of the murderous treason it inspires on a 5 minute basis. Fear the beast. The EUR/USD beast.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

2011 a-go

Stocks have been given the green light to go higher. Nobody is surprised by this. The term double-dip has returned to reference veggie platters and salsa chips, where many sane people believe it will stay. The last 90 days have been kinder than all previous periods of said length, in terms of the market value of my equity accounts.

I am quite comfortable letting it get to my head for the time being. I will need the confidence to buy out of the money calls on stupid names with mild chances (mild but not minute) to double or triple. If this year is as the scrolls of the internets have foreshadowed, there will be gains.

Image this: It's Dec 31st 2011 and equities have rallied 20% over the year. You look back at values on Jan 1st 2011 and think, "How did I miss that?"

That is what people are thinking right now. Nobody likes missing the imaginary mean reversion bus.

I don't write this to make sense anymore. I write it to make money.