Saturday, November 29, 2008

Go Go Blogging

You know they should change that word. Blogging. What a strange word. My suggestion would be to use the word 'record' in place of 'blog'. We could be recorders instead of bloggers. I know it ain't gonna happen but keep it in mind the next time they try to get you to accept some dumbass name.

Anyway I'm surfing around as usual and guess what? Blam! I notice that every other blog on the internet has ads and links and gadgets and feeds and all this other shit. Naturally, I feel compelled to add things like this to my blog to make it more interesting, interactive, and apparently you can bank some coin with ads. I don't think I will become that fortunate for a long time, if ever. It's not really my concern.

I'll add the other stuff in time. I'm not exactly an HTML wizz either. I mean I inserted a link into my last post and that was cause enough for a couple fist pumps. YEAH!

I like to entertain. I figure if I can do it in RL why can't I do it online? It's not my concern if I'm being laughed at or with. Either works. And was more entertaining than ranting about the stock market. Nadda. That's what.

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